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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Suh Makes Sense

   Many questions, and objections arise when the words "Suh to Miami" are uttered on the twitterverse. "We would have to spend too much money on one player", "We have to many needs to worry about", "We do not have the cap room", "Suh is a dirty player". Granted all though all this might be reasonable and objective but lack an open mind in my humble opinion.
  First and foremost lets start with the cap room issue. The salary cap in the NFL is extremely fluid, as a matter of fact the cap took a 25 million dollar swing from the year previous to the last to last year.
In addition to this if the team decides to cut underwhelming linebackers Phillip Wheeler, and Darnelle Ellerbe with a June 1st designation we would create 11.5 million dollars in cap space (about 6 million if they are cut post June 1st). Another cut that is very likely to happen is Randy Starks who is not the same player he once was. Compliment this moves with the subtraction of Odrick (which I am fine with if we get Suh) and it would leave us with about 19 million dollars in cap space more than enough to make the "Impossible" possible,and realistic 

  The notion that Suh or any other free agent in the market would not want to come to Miami is nothing more than a fabrication of the team's fanbase in my opinion. Who would not want to live where they vacation? (and most likely own tax free real estate?). From a strictly football standpoint this notion is nothing more than a fad as well. The decade long failure to sustain success has create a false sense of doom and gloom amongst the fanbase. However I believe that despite not been able to land Peyton Manning the organization's track record the past two years has been very solid. Two seasons ago Mike Wallace was the main priority in FA, and last year Brandon Albert was the FA we coveted. They are both (despite speculation on Wallace) Miami Dolphins players and very productive ones as well when they have taken the field. This clearly highlights the fact that the perception that the fanbase has is obviously the polar opposite of  the one free agents have. In the end of the day money talks. So does an organization with a stable Quarterback situation, a very solid Oline when healthy, a stadium which is been remodeled and a clear business plan which encompasses what we want to achieve in the coming years. 

  Granted Suh will be worth a lot of money (I refuse to use the term expensive because value is obviously there), He also has some discipline issues but the goal is to win. The organization has taken risks on guys like Walt Aikens, and Anthony Johnson who had red flags in recent years. So I pose this question to you, why on earth would you think that a coach like Joe Philbin and a General Manager who have a year left on their contracts with the desperate  need to make the playoffs to survive (according to you the reader) given Ross never said this publicly, oppose to Suh. Suh is a game changer who is worth at least one or two games a year... meaning 9 or 10 wins for us. which in most years mean playoffs. Suh makes sense... and the money is not coming out of our pocket. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My opinion is that Matt Moore would have alot better chemistry with Mike Wallace. even though im in the minority I havent seen enough tangible progress from RT. Coaching is an issue but honestly there is key throws he is missing and to many plays left on the field I firmly believe Matt Moore gives us the best chance to win right now.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Nice Article from Rant Sports About Ryan Tannehill


This article is stating hat Ryan Tannehill is the biggest x factor going in to this year and I tend to agree. We have added a lot of weapons such as Mike Wallace to take the top of opposing defenses, Dustin Keller to stretch the middle of the field so things Wallace isn't constantly double covered. In addition we added a premier right tackle in Tyson Clabo. As far as left tackle goes I think Jon Martin will be fine.

At any case all of this additions and positive energy are irrelevant if Ryan Tannehill doesn't take the next step forward. I believe he will for the following reasons. First he has the emotional make up I have honestly never seen him get rattled since last season, to this point in OTAs. He had an interview with the NFL Network the other day and I am very happy with the way he handled every question. Ryan really looks like he is coming out of his shell. Secondly he is very smart and his command of the offense is his strength. He has been in it since college. To top it of the physical tools have never been in question. I think this year the coaching staff will let him loose a bit more as far as letting him use his mobility and so forth.

All in all everything hinges on his shoulders. After all he was the 8th overall pick last year. He had a great year as he broke all the rookie records. I think this year is going to be special, I am confident with a year under his belt Ryan will be able to maximize not only his but all of his new weapons potentials. He will make everyone around him better. Isn't this what a franchise quarterback is supposed to do?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Heath Evans Critical or Bitter?

Heath Evans was invited on the Finsiders about a week ago to provide his analysis on the Miami Dolphins off season in general.  As you can imagine he was Heath Evans, opinionated, and not afraid to say what he feels. I have absolutely no issue with this. However I have an issue when objectivity is lost, and your arguments loose merit. This happened in several occasions during his interview.

To start lets point the elephant in the room. Yes Mike Wallace could be a lazy route runner sometimes and I am concerned that this could lead to one or two interceptions. That is one thing but to say that the Steelers didn’t want Wallace as a Pittsburgh Steeler is just inaccurate. The Steelers offered Wallace 75 million last year. Does this give the air of wanting to let go of someone? Another topic I had a problem with was him saying that we overpaid. Did we overpay? Maybe, but here is a reality check. Everyone has to overpay at some point in the NFL it’s the nature of the business. As a matter of fact the Dolphins have one of the healthiest cap rooms in the league right now even after investing over 100 million dollars. So if you want to say you don’t agree with some of the signings and their value fine. Here is the thing though using the terms monopoly money makes you sound ignorant, disrespectful, and bitter. Most importantly it got to the point where it sounded like he didn’t do his research. Specially if he thinks Dion Jordan would be a bust even if he had 18 sacks in a year.  Really? As far as replacing Dansby, and, Burnnet, Yes Dansby has a lot of experience I will give him that. He had a productive year last year as well. However in the business that is the NFL it is ideal to replace players before production declines. I also agree it was risky to bring in Ellerbee. Thing is sometimes risks need to be taken to be successful in this league, and there is no guarantees every time someone new comes in. Injuries, lack of scheme understanding, and inability to adapt to a new city are all factors to take in to account. That does not mean one has to wait until a certain player is ready to retire. Actually that would not be a recommended manner to handle an NFL roster.

The main thing to take away from this blog today is that I am all for expressing your thoughts and opinions. After all as Voltaire said I might not agree with what you have to say but ill defend to death your right to say it.  The catch here is that as an analyst you are asked to keep your objectivity during your analysis at all times. That right there is where Heath failed. He sounded like he had a grudge against Miami (who cut him) that he hasn’t been able to let go of. In his line of work that is the mother of all faults.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Miami Dolphins Have No What Ifs on The Surface..

  On paper it looks great, it really does. We have had a stellar off season; we should all be very excited about the immediate future. This organization has spent over 100 million dollars of Stephen Ross' money in order to win this year. Last year at this time we had some glaring questions. We had a "full blown QB competition" (Which I think in the eyes of the coaching staff was over when Garrard went down to an injury during father time). Wide receiver was the elephant in the room of course after Brandon Marshall was shipped off to reunite with Jay Cutler, and the organization decided to go with what they had. The Cornerback position has been an issue for me for a few years now. However last year the issue was magnified with the Vontae Davis trade. More than anything because we lost some depth, I mean we all saw what happened when Marshall went down to injury. Having to depend on Sean Smith (who isn't here, that tells you everything you need to know) and Nolan Carroll isn't the situation you want to be in, in my humble opinion. We have some guys such as Jordan, and Vernon in his second year coming back who can help compliment Wake. However it is important to mix in a little composure with all the excitement.

  This year a lot of those holes were addressed, they were addressed with a lot of speed, talent, and most importantly a lot of promise. For instance Linebacker. We replaced two guys who had productive years like Danby and Burnett. Granted some believe that Dansby never materialized in to what everyone thought he should be. That is beyond the point though. They were replaced by two younger and faster guys with a lot of potential. Wheeler, and Ellerbee. Thing is Ellerbe only really did it for one year, and got paid a lot of money just on what he could turn out to be. At Corner we brought in someone like Grimes who I think will bring this secondary to the next level. That is if he can stay healthy (There is an article in my blog on the matter), same at Tight end Dustin Keller is that "seam threat" guy we need in order for Wallace to have more space to maneuver. Again Keller had an off year last year due to injury, and we will have to see if he can stay on the field. Left Tackle is also a question mark with Jon Martin, but I think he will be fine. At safety we want to see if Reshad Jones can be consistent and do it again in his contract year. At Wide Receiver Wallace wasn't the only addition. Fan favorite and very productive Devone Bess was replaced with Brandon Gibson. Gibson is viewed by the coaching staff as more of a versatile red zone threat due to his size and ability to man all 3 Wide Receiver positions. However we let go of a guy in Bess who can play at least one position very effectively, for one who we are expecting to be poly functional at a high level. As far as pass rusher goes I want to see Vernon improve, and not fade away mid season. Jordan might not have a huge impact this year, but his future is very bright. (one of my favorite players in the draft)

  There are a few what ifs in this article. However every team always has what ifs in May. After all games are played from September right? I'm not trying to knock Jeff Ireland here for taking risks I actually applaud him for it. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t hate the guy when he doesn't pull the trigger, and hate him when he does. That's just not fair. All I'm trying to say is that on paper its set up to be a great season. We should all have high expectations (Specially Ross after spending all that money) Lets just keep our heads and take it one game at a time please. It’s not a race, it’s a marathon.