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Thursday, May 2, 2013

What a Dirtbag

  So this is not Dolphins related. Its incredible hat at this day, and age we still find our selves dealing with such a terrible issue like the one that is child abuse. This time it was done by an NFL player who played for such a storied franchise like The New York Giants. Linebacker Michael Boley pleaded guilty of child abuse on February 8. The victim was his 5 year old kid. Forget for a second that he is an NFL football player who forms part of a select group of men designated to be role models, protecting the shield of the empire that is the NFL. Their is offenses that you can call mistakes. This offenses can involve anything from a D.U.I to getting in to a fist fight with a grown men who can protect himself. When you talk about abusing a child, or a woman? that is not a mistake. This is the act of a coward.This type of person should not only be kicked out of the NFL, but also put away in prison for life. The first but least important step was already taken Boley is out of the league ( I would expect nothing less from Tom Coughlin).Now hopefully the law will fall on him as hard as it possibly can. I hope he is put away for a long time. I would like to also give credit to the mother of the 5 year old who pressed charges back in 2011. This forced Boley to turn himself in as  part of a plea agreement. All though thank God the abuse wasn't sexual its still physical, and should be punished just the same. Just like Boley was given the privilege to lead by example in the NFL, he should be made an example now. The height of that privilege should be the depth of his fall in my humble opinion.For more on the subject here is a link to the story



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